lavori e cancelli
Capita nella vita che due persone che rappresentato, ciascuna per la propria parte, il Bene ed il Male, capita, dicevo, che si siedano di fianco e parlino.
Capita, che in nome di quelle persone, la gente arrivi anche a litigare. Un po' come faccio io con tutti quelli che sono utonti di windows...
Poi li senti parlare e capisci che, in fondo, sono due facce della stessa medaglia. Due persone che hanno cambiato il nostro modo di vivere e lavorare. Due persone che non possono fare a meno di odiarsi, ma che, se proprio non si amano, si stimano come se stessi.
What's the greatest misunderstanding in your relationship?
Jobs (deadpanning): We've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now.
Gates (after a silence): I don't think either of us has anything to complain about. … I miss some people who've left the industry. It's nice to have someone like Steve around.
Jobs: When Bill and I first entered the industry, we were the youngest guys in the room, and now we're the oldest. I tend to think of things in terms of either Dylan or Beatles songs. And there's that one line in that Beatles song, "You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead," and I think that's clearly true here."
Jobs (deadpanning): We've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now.
Gates (after a silence): I don't think either of us has anything to complain about. … I miss some people who've left the industry. It's nice to have someone like Steve around.
Jobs: When Bill and I first entered the industry, we were the youngest guys in the room, and now we're the oldest. I tend to think of things in terms of either Dylan or Beatles songs. And there's that one line in that Beatles song, "You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead," and I think that's clearly true here."
I video, in inglese, qui:
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